Table Waves
1 / 3


Materialer (Materials) Birkekrydsfiner, MDF, vådlak (Birch plywood, MDF, liquid paint)


Mål (Dimensions) Bord 1 (Table 1) (H) 45 (L) 54 (D) 65 cm Bord 2 (Table 2) (H) 38,5 (L) 72 (D) 92 cm


To borde, der har det godt alene, men kan udvikle sig sammen. De forandrer sig dynamisk, når nye behov opstår, og kan organisk tilpasse sig situationen og hinanden. Forskellige sammenstillinger giver bordene nye dimensioner, udtryk og størrelser. Kaare Klint var optaget af at analysere funktion og behov for at finde den optimale form. Jeg har, inspireret af Klint, forsøgt at udvikle bordenes mange muligheder ved at analysere og lege med formerne for at fremme nye funktioner og sammenstillinger. (The two tables each thrive on their own, but together, they can develop. They change dynamically when new needs arise and are capable of organically adapting to the situation and to each other. Different compositions give the tables new dimensions, expressions and sizes. Kaare Klint analysed functions and needs in order to find the optimal form. Inspired by Klint, I have sought to develop the many possibilities of the tables by analysing and playing with the shapes in order to facilitate new functions and configurations.)

Objekter i udstillingen